Thursday, 11 April 2013

Lolly pop flowers

Room 7 made lolly pop flowers.We were learning about the artist Frederick Hundertwasser. First we painted background stripes with warm colours then we  painted a striped piece of paper with cool colours. When they were dry we decided what one will become our background.We traced circles big and small.We  drew stems then we glued them on.

By Skye.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Pirates of the Seven Seas,
    We really liked the pictures of your Lolly Pop Flowers. They are really cool and colorful. Spring is almost here and we can't wait for real flowers to bloom. Do you have real flowers blooming by you? We go to school near Niagara Falls, NY. You can visit our class blog
    Some students have individual blogs linked to our class, or you can find them at
    Have a great day!
    Mrs. Tharp's Class
